Stop Drooling In Your Sleep Using These Practical Tips!

Sleep FAQs
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If you’ve ever woken up to find your pillow soaked and your face resembling a desert oasis, you’re not alone. We’ve all been there, with drool seeping onto our bedsheets and dreams of a drool-free slumber. But fear not, we’ve got you covered (literally) with tips and tricks on how to stop drooling in your sleep.

Why is drooling so common during sleep? Before we dive into the solutions, let’s explore why drooling happens in the first place. As you enter the land of Zzzs, your body relaxes, including the muscles responsible for keeping your saliva where it belongs – in your mouth. So, it’s only natural for some drooling to occur.

Now, you might be thinking, “”Can’t I just pop a drool-proof shield on my face?”” Well, while that may solve the problem, it might also cause a few raised eyebrows from your sleep partner. Plus, who wants to wake up looking like a character from a science fiction movie?

The battle against drool: Arm yourself with knowledge
1. How to sleep 8 hours in 4 hours – Because sometimes life just won’t give you the luxury of a full night’s sleep. We’ve got clever tricks to help you make the most of those precious hours.
2. Amino acids for sleep – Dive into the world of sleep-inducing amino acids, and discover how they can help regulate your sleep cycle.
3. How to get more REM sleep – Unravel the mysteries of REM sleep and learn how to enhance this crucial phase of slumber.
4. Can you sneeze in your sleep? – Find out if your sleeping self is vulnerable to sudden sneeze attacks with this fascinating exploration.

So, whether you’re a seasoned drooling expert or just starting your drool-less journey, OllySleep has the answers you need. Say goodbye to soggy pillows and hello to sweet dreams!”stop it.

How To Stop Drooling In Your Sleep

Causes of drooling while asleep

There isn’t a single cause of excessive drooling, so the following might give you an idea of what makes you drool while you sleep:

Sleep position

Side sleepers and stomach sleepers tend to drool more than those who lie on their backs while sleeping.

Nasal Congestion

Do you have a cold or a sinus infection? The possibility of drooling while sleeping is higher if you have blocked sinuses simply due to the fact that you are more likely to breathe through your mouth. This leads to a buildup of saliva.

Swallowing Disorders

Dysphagia is the medical term given for those suffering from swallowing difficulties. Drooling is considered a symptom of this condition.

Digestive conditions

Those who have gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD) tend to have difficulty swallowing, which may lead to the production of excess saliva.

Sleep apnea

A person who has this condition suffers from interrupted breathing while sleeping. Excess saliva can be a risk to them, and they should immediately get themselves diagnosed by a doctor.

Side effects of medication

Some medications used to treat Alzheimer’s may lead to excessive drooling. Several antibiotics have also been identified to result in drooling while sleeping, so it’s best to consult with your doctor about the side effects of any medications you’re currently taking.

Treatment of sleep drooling

Here are several ways you can address excessive drooling while you sleep:

Change your sleeping position

If you’re a side sleeper or a stomach sleeper, you might want to switch positions to see if there is any difference. Lying on your back allows better control of your saliva, and can prevent it from overflowing from your mouth.

Drink more water

Water provides a lot of healthy benefits to your body, and can even help address excessive drooling! If your body is hydrated, the saliva produced in your mouth is thinner and much more reduced.

Treat sinus problems

Of course, if you have a stuffy nose, you need to address it right away by drinking decongestants and antihistamines (especially if you have allergies).

Use a mandibular device

Snoring often leads to drooling. If this happens to you, you might want to try using a mandibular device. This oral appliance is placed in your mouth like a mouth guard to reduce snoring. These are readily available in online stores and pharmacies, so it should be easy to buy one for yourself.

The bottom line

Although it might be embarrassing to some, drooling while sleeping can be a serious condition that might actually be a symptom of an underlying disease. That’s why it’s important for everyone to be able to openly discuss it and address what causes it. This way, prevention can be done effectively.

Looking for more advice on sleeping habits? Check out how to stop sleep talking, what the best position for sleep apnea is, and what to do about sleep disorders in children.

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