15 Month Sleep Regression – Learn How To Stabilize Your Toddler’s Sleeping Schedule

Sleep Regression
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When you thought you had handled the 12 month sleep regression and may rely on some silent nights of sleep, your 15-month-old is upward in the evening and mad! Time to your 15 Month Sleep Regression!

What is sleeping regression?

A sleeping regression is a time when an infant or toddler that has been sleeping nicely abruptly starts waking, being hard to repay, and skipping naps. To discover when and sleep regressions, generally speaking, happen, read our post here.

What exactly is your 15 Month Sleep Regression

In 15 weeks, your child might be learning to walk, which may cause some disturbance in sleep. But generally, in case your 15month old suddenly begins having some difficulty sleeping, most probably, they are beginning to transition to a single nap.

This is a really common age to begin waking at night because of 2 naps being too much, or maybe your toddler ceased taking another rest and can be overtired at night time. In this era, there is not a 3 to 6week period of sleep difficulties that suddenly goes off. The majority of the sleep difficulties around this era are associated with a program issue.

15 Month Sleep Regression


Signs of this 15 Month Sleep Regression

The primary indication, your child, is going through regression is their sleeping routine. It requires a turn for the worse. However, a few other signs to look out for are:

  • Waking in the night and staying awake for ages
  • Fussiness
  • They can not resettle if they had been formerly able to
  • Refusing to rest
  • Crying when settling for a nap or at bedtime

What induces 15 Month Sleep Regression?

As we discussed in our sleeping regression article, nothing as such triggers a regression since they are developmental periods that babies go through. But, unlike the past two regressions, the 15month regression is principally a result of the nap transition, which occurs in this era.

However, other specific things happen together with the regression, which could affect your child’s sleep like:

  • Growth spurts and teething.
  • Separation anxiety.

About the 16 month mark, you might realize your wee one will begin to experience separation anxiety. As your baby gets older, you might recognize they eventually become clingier and might even cry when they’re left with somebody besides you, and that is because infants in this age begin having the ability to inform one adult from a different and they begin to develop the idea of object permanence.

Object Permanence is your perception that objects continue to exist even if they cannot be perceived (viewed, heard, touched, smelled, or felt at all.) In the previous weeks of your child’s life, you might have discovered that your eldest one enjoyed playing peekaboo, as in their heads once you’d vanished out of their line of sight, you disappeared after which you reappeared again (best trick in the book), however for older infants this is no more the situation.

15 Month the sleeping training

How to fight separation anxiety?

Let your child know when You’re leaving and coming back

Make time to get additional snuggles and you on one play at the end of the afternoon

Leave their space with a grin on your face. Try to keep positive so that your nervousness does not rub off.

How long can the 15 Month Sleep Regression last?

Happily, this regression isn’t lasting like the 4month regression and will gradually go away after your child has got used for their rest transition. Nap transitions can endure for a few months off and on.

Each transition differs, and it only depends upon your child’s nap structure leading to the development, which can be made a whole lot simpler if after our Sleep Programs.

Do sleep regressions’ destroy’ the sleeping training you plan to perform?

No, actually using a routine to follow and becoming more ready will help you get through the regression by executing good sleep habits early on.

Our Sleep Programs help regulate your child’s sleeping patterns and assists your infant adjust to large changes such as regressions and rest transitions.

How to assist your toddler throughout the 15 Month Sleep Regression

To encourage your furry friend in this enjoyable, and admittedly Tough stage, try these approaches:

Give your child extra time to settle down in the day with silent actions

Reassure your furry friend by being loving and serene when they melt

Be flexible regarding naps. Some days she will need you, some days she’ll not

Maintain a predictable rest and bedtime routine

If your toddler wants sleeping training, do not transition them to a nap until they are sleeping during the night

What can I do to get through this regression?

Bear in mind that sleep regressions are temporary usually between 24 weeks. To make it through this regression easily, try and be flexible. You might be unable to rely on long daytime naps daily, and you might need to go bedtime earlier on times your toddler does not nap well. Respond to your toddler.

Being supportive and patient while your baby is frustrated or tired, it is proper particularly given how tough their mind and body are functioning! Stick with your good customs. While it’s essential to be supportive and receptive to your kid, do not fall back on old habits or make new ones from despair. Fight the desire to nurse or stone your toddler. Your youngster will return to sleep habits shortly.

Sleep regressions pass along with your toddler will probably have newfound abilities and confidence to show for it. And only think what fun you’ll have when your kid just takes one nap every day! If, after trying the best way to get through the 15 months sleeps regression, you wind up using new undesirable habits or sleep difficulties which don’t resolve by themselves, check back into this site, or think about speaking with a moderate Sleep Coach.


1. Some signs your infant is experiencing a sleeping regression include fussiness, wakefulness, and changes in appetite.

2. Regrettably, your infant’s 15month sleep regression happens hard on the heels of this 12 month one she’d also it can be extremely grueling to undergo.

3. The month regression is a difficult one as it complies with the time frame when many infants are learning how to walk along with the transition from two naps to one.

All sleep regressions happen because of your child’s body and mind are planning for or at the center of a significant developmental shift.

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