What To Do When You’re Sleepy & Tired All The Time

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Perhaps you’ve already experienced that even after a whole day spent resting, you still feel tired and sleepy the next day. If it happens a lot, then it could be a warning sign that something is wrong with your body.

In this article, we will look at the possible causes of why you’re feeling tired during the day and the steps you can take to alleviate it.

How much sleep do I need every day?

Health professionals suggest that people aged below 18 should at least get 9-10 hours of sleep every day. If you are in the 18 and above age bracket, a seven-hour rest is ideal, and if you miss out, catching up over the next few days makes up for that deficit.

You should also keep an eye on the quality of sleep you are getting because dozing off in front of the TV isn’t as healing and replenishing as a night spent in a comfy bed with a super cozy mattress.

Why do I always feel sleepy during the day?

If you are experiencing a persistent feeling of tiredness and sleepiness, this might be a possible symptom of some serious medical conditions. The best way to find out is to consult your doctor, but in the meantime take a look at these common causes of tiredness.

Lack of Sleep

Of course, not getting enough sleep at night will leave you feeling tired during the day. Some people intentionally go to bed late in order to fall asleep more readily, whereas others hit the hay early, but still struggle to drop off.

Nutritional causes

Eating a large meal before bedtime can also reduce the quality of your sleep as your digestive system will have to work hard to process your food while you sleep. During the day, enjoy a balanced diet, avoiding heavy carbs that can result in tiredness and lethargy. You can also drink coffee to stimulate your senses during the day but avoid consuming caffeine-infused beverages at bedtime.

Anxiety or depression

Although sleepiness or feeling exhausted can be symptoms of anxiety or depression, it is never advisable to self-diagnose, and it’s a good plan to book an appointment with your doctor if you’re concerned.

People with anxiety or depression often feel unmotivated and suffer from a consistent feeling of hopelessness. This can result in a lack of energy or encourage physical fatigue, but, yet, still prevent nighttime sleep.

Medication and recovery from infections

Some types of medicines have properties that induce tiredness, and if you’re recovering from a recent illness, it is normal to feel sleepy. Your body is focusing on recuperating, so give it time to regain its strength before expecting to return to your regular routine.

Sleep disorders

Insomnia and sleep apnea are some of the most common sleep disorders. Insomnia is difficulty falling or staying asleep. It ranges from acute (lasting for days to a few weeks) to chronic (lasting for more than three weeks to months). This condition needs medical attention as it can cause further problems when left unchecked.

Sleep apnea happens when your breathing pauses while you sleep, which prevents your brain and body from receiving enough oxygen. This, too, needs proper medical intervention because it can lead to other complications.

Other medical conditions

There are medical conditions that can contribute to sleepiness or tiredness like fibromyalgia, hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue syndrome, heart diseases, diabetes, and anemia.

  • Fibromyalgia is the tenderness of the muscle usually accompanied by pain
  • Hypothyroidism is the abnormal acceleration of the body’s metabolism which results in fatigue, irregular heartbeat, and weight loss
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that can make you feel weak for a long time, without a known cause. Meanwhile, tiredness and sleepiness can be symptoms of diabetes and heart diseases.
  • Anemia can cause you to faint at times due to a lack of important nutrients such as iron and B12.

Resting and having enough sleep are essential for your body to function properly and sometimes, tiredness is its normal response after a long day at work, or looking after a family. However, if the feeling of weakness and fatigue doesn’t go away, it’s time to let a physician take care of this matter.

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